Monday 8 April 2013

Macrocosm Project

So my new project/series is entitled Macrocosm and I am trying to look back at past work and bring forward what I have enjoyed and what I feel has worked into this new series. I really enjoy blending textures into my photographs and creating a surreal feel to my work, almost like something spiritual/supernatural has just been in frame and literally disappeared moments before and you're left the the ethereal aura.

[ From 'Macrocosm' © Laura Ashford]

So the new series is looking at both 'Elysian Fields' and 'Ethereal' and moving it forward. I am trying to explore subtle cutouts entwined with my more traditional approach to my work. I want the viewer to look at this new series and do a double take and notice the little details. I enjoy how the edges of the photos are not perfect, they contain flaws, much like our own memory of how events have occurred. So I will be looking at nature in even more detail than normal, researching the little things which actually play a big part in our ecosystem and bringing them into my work in subtle ways. I am hoping this series will lead to a big piece of work which I have the basic tendrils tumbling about in my mind.

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