Monday 22 April 2013

Charles Emerson: my new inspiration

Well I just received a rather uplifting letter from a manager of a gallery who has given me such a boost of confidence with my work just when I was beginning to feel a bit of a slump coming on. So the moral of this story is keep going, even when you think you're hitting a brick wall you got to keep going, quitting is an option only the weak decide to take.

The manager introduced me to the most amazing Photographer I have seen in ages. I do not think I have been this excited by a Photographer since I saw Susan Derges' work a fair few years ago now. Everything of late tends to be... boring? Or maybe I have become over critical with what I like or do not like?

I love the buzz you get when you view someones work and you feel in your soul a connection with it. It excites you how they have created something so amazing that you become awe struck, stunned to silence by their genius. I know I sound like a pompous, bumbling idiot but I really do believe it. It is like hearing a song for the first time and thinking it is the best thing ever to be heard [again something I have not felt in a long time... perhaps old age is hitting me now?]

So my new Photography love, my crush of the camera world is Charles Emerson. His work can be viewed here:

[Charles Emerson, 'Flowers' series]

His portraiture work is neither here nor there for me but I really do enjoy his 'Flowers' series [] which are truely beautiful. The whole series is beautiful from start to finish, I don't think there was one photograph I did not enjoy on some level.

So now I feel creatively revitalised, that I can look at my work and keep pushing it and shaping it and hopefully keep on producing works that I feel confident with. I think bringing my work together in one fluid movement has really helped me focus my creative energy. Definitely going to keep pushing for an exhibition soon, fingers crossed!!

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